Rairdon’s Alfa Romeo and Fiat of Kirkland Dealer Directory Listing

Main Phone : 425-821-0900
Service Phone : 425-947-1403
Parts Phone : 425-821-0900
Automobile Make : Alfa Romeo, Fiat
Region of Country : Western
Listing Type : Auto Dealerships - New
Location : Washington

Alfa Romeo and Fiat of Kirkland services Seattle, Renton, Tacoma, Bellevue, and Everett.

Alfa Romeo and Fiat of Kirkland takes the time to get to know their customers and make their new or pre-owned car buying experience as pleasant as possible. You will find that their studio is open & clean, the staff courteous, the inventory organized, and the employees respectful of your valuable time.

New InventoryUsed Inventory

Dealership Amenities - Offering Comfort, Convenience, and/or Enjoyment
View Dealership Amenities for more information, including dealership services provided

Children's play area
Complimentary beverages
Complimentary snacks
Oil changes
Online financing
Service Center
Tire shop
WiFi available