Ocean Cadillac Dealer Directory Listing

Main Phone : 786-220-2297
Service Phone : 786-507-5647
Automobile Make : Cadillac
Region of Country : Southern
Listing Type : Auto Dealerships - New
Location : Florida

Ocean Cadillac is the Cadillac Dealer For Miami Beach

Ocean Cadillac dealership primarily specializes in Cadillac vehicles, but also offers a new, redefined shopping experience that is even more customer-friendly.

We pride ourselves in providing the best in customer service, but understand that our reputation is only as good as the last customer we have served. Let us be your Cadillac dealership that provides you with the best in Cadillac vehicles from the moment you purchase it through its lifetime thanks to our vaunted service center.


New InventoryUsed Inventory

Dealership Amenities - Offering Comfort, Convenience, and/or Enjoyment
View Dealership Amenities for more information, including dealership services provided

24-hour help line
Charitable giving - other
Oil changes
Parts department
Service Center
Spanish speaking
Tire shop
Warranty services