Livermore Honda Dealer Directory Listing

Main Phone : 888-869-7178
Service Phone : 800-518-7844
Automobile Make : Honda
Region of Country : Western
Listing Type : Auto Dealerships - New
Location : California

President’s Award Winner – Livermore Honda

The Presidents Award is the most prestigious and coveted award bestowed upon a Honda Automobile dealership. It recognizes those dealership teams who have demonstrated professionalism and an unwavering pursuit of excellence in all areas of operation – customer service, sales, training and facility operation.

More than 1,000 Honda automobile dealerships participate in the President’s Award program annually. Each year, award objectives are established to inspire dealerships to achieve even higher levels of customer satisfaction. This dealership has achieved these objectives and ranked to merit Honda’s highest honor as a 2015 President’s Award winner. We are proud to recognize this dealership as one of our Honda elite.

New InventoryUsed Inventory

Dealership Amenities - Offering Comfort, Convenience, and/or Enjoyment
View Dealership Amenities for more information, including dealership services provided

Children's play area
Complimentary beverages
Oil changes
Parts department
Service Center
Tire shop
Vending machines