Land Rover Redwood City Dealer Directory Listing

Main Phone : 877-758-3419
Service Phone : 877-759-7039
Automobile Make : Land Rover
Region of Country : Western
Listing Type : Auto Dealerships - New
Location : California

Qvale* is the name of one of America’s most distinguished automotive dynasties. The family began work in 1947 importing MG sports cars to the US, later adding Rolls-Royce, Jaguar, Lotus, Bentley, Porsche, De Tomaso and Masarati to its portfolio. It has been involved in manufacturing, importing, distributing and retailing cars through two generations.

Qvale Automotive Group, a family owned business, purchased Land Rover Redwood City in 2000.  The Qvale Automotive Group’s rich and diverse heritage in the automotive industry is a perfect fit to carry on the tradition of many years of success and accomplishments.

We take tremendous pride providing our customers the very best service you would come to expect from Land Rover. We offer sales, service and parts from our location at 440 Convention Way off the Whipple Avenue exit in Redwood City. Please come see us today and experience the most exciting off road vehicles the world has ever seen.

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Dealership Amenities - Offering Comfort, Convenience, and/or Enjoyment
View Dealership Amenities for more information, including dealership services provided

Children's play area
Complimentary beverages
Oil changes
Parts department
Service Center
Tire shop