Brickell Honda Dealer Directory Listing

Main Phone : 305-856-3000
Service Phone : 877-869-9195
Automobile Make : Honda
Region of Country : Southern
Listing Type : Auto Dealerships - New
Location : Florida

Brickell Honda Vision / Mission

Our goal is to establish a lifetime relationship with our customers by offering our unparalleled Brickell service. To achieve this, we must be amiable, efficient and economical. To succeed, we must provide an entirely rewarding experience that will allow us to repeat over and over again.

We’re dedicated to serving you with honesty, integrity and professionalism. We respect you and your time. You honor us with your business and we express our appreciation with courteous and attentive personnel, knowledgeable, accessible and devoted to serving your automotive needs.

New InventoryUsed Inventory

Dealership Amenities - Offering Comfort, Convenience, and/or Enjoyment
View Dealership Amenities for more information, including dealership services provided

Children's play area
Military Discount
Oil changes
Parts department
Service Center
Spanish speaking
Student discount
Warranty services