Audi Coral Springs Dealer Directory Listing
Main Phone : 888-474-8719
Service Phone : 888-746-3007
Website :
Automobile Make : Audi
Region of Country : Southern
Listing Type :
Auto Dealerships - New
Location :
Why Buy from Audi Coral Springs?
- Magna Society Honoree – acknowledged for outstanding customer satisfaction
- Huge inventory
- Award winning service department
- Expert and experienced staff
- 24-hour Help Hotline
At Audi Coral Springs, one of our main goals is to promote and feed an open communication with our community. Through conversation, relationship building, and constant feedback from you, we’re able to accommodate your needs and wants for the perfect vehicle. This also carries into our involvement in the community. Partnerships with the Boys & Girls Club and the Audi Club of Florida afford us the opportunity to aid and supplement our community, promoting growth and aid to our neighboring friends and families. Check out a few of our other endeavors below, and feel free to give us a call for any details.
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society Gala & Fashion Show
- Broward College Annual Golf Classic
- Gridiron Grill-Off
- Crockett Foundation “Literacy Matters”
- Boca Raton Concours d’Elegance
- Audi Quattro Cup
- Kids in Distress